There are a couple of internationally renowned surgeons that are known throughout the world for their outstanding ability to create beautiful, shapely breasts. At their practices, they performs breast lift surgery for discriminating patients. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to perform the same role as a properly fitting bra, namely supporting the breast in an uplifted position, revealing more fullness, shape, and cleavage. A breast lift generally removes only excess and loose skin, as compared to breast reduction, which reduces the amount of actual breast tissue besides skin reduction.

Many women from around the world have chosen to undergo breast lift surgery, particularly those whose breast shape and contour does not fit their self-image. Body image is an important part of feeling good, desirable, and normal. Most women compare themselves to a cultural idea of beauty. Commonly, women with sagging breasts and breasts with loose, stretched skin are dissatisfied with their physical appearance. These changes can be a result of genetics, pregnancy, weight loss, and aging or any combination thereof.

An ideal candidate for a breast lift procedure, or mastopexy, is someone who is uncomfortable with the amount of loose skin and sagging of her breasts. An ideal breast lift patient is also free of any complicating pre-existing medical conditions including heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, skin/connective tissue disorders, etc.

Many breast lift centers offer several techniques to lift and reshape the breast and reposition the nipple. The size of the breasts and the amount of loose skin and sagging along with patient expectations will determine the extent of the mastopexy incisions. The size of the areola (the pigmented area around the nipple) would also be reduced during the procedure if desired.

The standard breast lift technique uses a "keyhole" pattern or "anchor" shaped incision. The incision/scars for this procedure extend in three basic areas: Entirely around the areola (the pigmented area around the nipple); from the areola in a vertical direction down to the fold or crease under the breast; horizontally along the area of the fold or crease under the breast extending for a variable length.

A minimal scar breast lift procedure encompasses several newer techniques aimed at reducing scars. A "donut" or circumareolar mastopexy results in a scar only around the areola (the pigmented area around the nipple). The circumareolar-vertical mastopexy or "lollipop" type of incision results in a scar extending around the areola and vertically down to the crease under the breast.


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Dave Stringham, the President of writes about plastic surgery in Miami, Florida and cosmetic breast surgery procedures such as miami breast lift, breast augmentation, breast reconstruction, breast reduction, and male breast reduction.

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